Sunday, March 09, 2008

Are You Sitting Down...

Well, here it is, the news you have all been waiting for. I am pregnant! We found out right after Christmas, and have just been waiting for the 1st trimester to be over so we could tell everyone. I am due on September 5th! I told my school class this last week and they were so excited, so I figured it was about time to tell everyone else who doesn't already know. We should be finding out in about a month what we are having, and hopefully we'll have a picture to post then. But as of right now, that is the big news. Probably the biggest news of our lives so far. We are really excited about it all and so is everyone else! So, finally our lives are about to get a little bit more intersting. I'm sure that neither of us really grasps how interesting that will be though :)