A quick check on the sleeping babe...
Monday night I went in to check on the baby while he was sleeping and this is what I found--
How on earth do you sleep like that with your legs all caught up in the crib bars??? After the 3rd picture he just pulled his legs out and turned over in his sleep. It was pretty cute :) (Oh, and can you see the lovely teeth marks all over the rail? They are horrible, it makes me so sad to think that we spent so much money on something and he is just destroying it--even though I knew that would happen, I still hate it).
Bummer about the teeth marks. They have protectors for the crib that you can buy with the baby proofing stuff.
We had a plastic strip across the bar. You will be finding teeth marks on many different items. It comes with the baby territory.
By the way, the legs hanging out is very funny.
Sorry I had to delete my last comment, I was on my work e-mail when I posted it, so it came out as being from my company rather than from me....oops! Here is my original post: "Oh I just laughed out loud at those pics! So funny. Hey you need to upload your pics in a way that allows me to enlarge them...cause I can't see the details aka teeth marks!"
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