Monday, October 12, 2009

So I've been trying to post some family pictures that we had taken a month or so ago, but I can't get my internet to upload any of my pictures. I tried twice yesterday and twice today, but nothing is working. So, I'm not going to post any pictures for the time being--this is why I never post, because I can never get it to work and something that should take 20 min. or so, ends up taking over an hour. Do you seriously think I have an hour of free time with my wild little monkey??? NO!
I am going to make this quick and catch you up on what's been going on (until I can get pictures and show you).
My little boy turned one, and is now such a big boy!!
He started walking here and there around then, but just recently has really taken off.
With a little bit of work, he is finally drinking milk better, and by 13 months, I was finally done nursing him. I miss so many parts of it, but am grateful for the freedom in so many other ways. I just feel lucky that he did so well breastfeeding for as long as he did, and that I got the opportunity to do so.
I get to work for the District Office a couple hours a week. So between the baby, tutoring, and that I am keeping pretty busy.
My tile still has not been cleaned (I sweep it regularly, but don't hand wash it regularly enough)--I won't tell you how long it's been.
I canned peaches, apricots, peach and apricot jam, salsa, and tomatoes...which is part of the reason that I never mopped my floor--it just kept on getting dirty :)
I am going to be an aunt (on my own side of the family). My sister is having a little girl in Feb.!!! Now I get to be the one that keeps her baby from taking her naps on time so I can spend time with her--just you wait Hayley!
We went to Texas and visited Creighton's brother and my dear, dear friend Megan and her family!!

That's about all of the major stuff. Hopefully I will get this dumb picture problem figured out and I will post some family pix and some pix of the baby's b-day.


Lindsey said...

Hey Creighten, i'm not sure how to spell it. How's everything going? We need to get in touch. My email is Drop me a line. I hope all is well. Last I heard you worked for channel 2. I always wanted to come say Hi. Let me know what's going on in your life with fam and all. Talk to ya soon.

Megan and Charlie Miller said...

Hey there Sweetie! We miss having you guys here. We need another visit and soon. We are in our house now and we have lots of room for the babies to walk... and run in Dawson's case. :)
You and your canning! I need to be so much better.
Love you!

Eric and Hayley said...

Oh please, like I wake him up from his naps....he just always has his eyes open when I pop in and check on him :)