Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quick question...

How do you/did you wean your baby? Any suggestions or pointers? He doesn't take a bottle, but does drink from a sippy cup, and so we are trying to give him whole milk from that, but he doesn't seem to like the milk too much. I have dropped 1 of the 4 feedings he was having, but I'm not sure how to go about dropping the other 3, especially if he is drinking less than an 1/8 cup of milk a please!


Mandy said...

I had to wean mine because my milk dries up at 6 months. I wasn't ready, but they were starving and losing weight, so I was forced to. They took bottles super easy because they were hungry. I know that's not what you were looking for... :(

I would go straight to a sippy and offer it to him all day long to get him to drink the milk. He should be getting more solids now too, right? So really he should get getting around 16 oz of milk a day (I think...check that amount.)

I would drop the midday feedings first. Just because I'm lazy in the mornings and would rather lay down in bed and nurse...and the night feeding would be last, since that's more of a comfort before bed.

Good luck!!

Young Family said...

Don't give him a bottle! I took all bottles away from Hayden over night (New Year's resolution, hehe). I just gave him milk in a sippy cup. He didn't drink much at all for a while. (Less than 8 oz/day). They get enough calories from the fod that he should be fine. Eventually he will start drinking the milk.

Starnes fam said...

Wish I had some insight for you Sar. All of my boys just up and quit on their own at about 10 months. Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see pics from the birthday! I can't believe he is one already!

Erin said...

not that I am an expert on this subject by any means :) but I know lindsey pretty much always goes cold turkey on the kids and they might not drink hardly anything for a day or two, but they do get their solid food source of liquid and then they figure it out. And when I am trying to get my kids to use a sippy cup, I do use some water diluted juice. That entices them to go for the cup more! Good luck!

Eric and Hayley said...

Well, with my first baby...I just let him feed until he was 5 years old. But on the second one, I decided to make her quit at 1.5 years as that seemed more appropriate. I just covered up and gave her bottled milk.

I'm so funny I know.

Dawson can barely focus as it is when you breastfeed him so I'm sure if you just found a distraction for him he'd never notice a loss of the momma's milk!

Paul/Heather said...

I am still scared of breastfeeding the second baby...I just hope the next little boy is a better eater than Isaac.
Good luck!
ps. Tell Hayley I cant get to her blog....unless that is on purpose. ;)

Erica said...

I went cold turkey on her first birthday. She didn't take bottles or formula or anything else after 1. I had to pump a few times but that was it.

She didn't like milk in the beginning but we just chugged along. We tried plain milk, chocolate milk, water, apple juice, calcium fortified oj, etc. Anything to keep her hydrated. Eventually she took to it and from then on has been fine.

Julie said...

Sorry, we used bottles around 6 months for z and I bareley made it to 4 months nursing with n-i wasn't producing enough. At 1, I went from bottle to sippy cup for milk. I mixed whole milk with the formula and decreased the formula until it was only milk. We had used the sippy cup for water and juice before that so they were used to the cup.

Tom, Beth, and Ainsley said...

I searched you on facebook, but couldn't find you....I am listed under Bethany Butler Reese, I'd love to add you. Let me know what you are listed under. Hope your little one has an awesome birthday

Megan and Charlie Miller said...

So we started the whole milk thing this week and she has been taking the bottle a bit better than the sippy. I plan on transitioning in a week or two to just the sippy. I will keep you posted. Love you