Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's been over two months...AAHHH!!!!!

(I am pretty sure that most people no longer check my blog because I have been a slacker blogger lately, so I guess this post is for my dedicated readers--mom, Hayley, Mandy and anyone else out there who is interested. I am going to try and be better at blogging, but our computer has literally been the beast from H..L and I am soo sick and tired of it, but not quite willing to fork out the money for the Mac I want (especially since we just got new brakes on my car, and my husband's job is a job-which we are grateful for-but a little on the low end of the "income" pole). Plus I was basically out of town for all of July, so that makes it hard to post too. But enough of the excuses, I will try harder.
And now for your viewing pleasure...

My baby is (almost) no longer a baby! It's sad but true. He is the sweetest thing ever, but growing and developing so quickly. Here are some things he can do (although some of them he does more consistently than others):

(new items updated in red)
sign-mom (although he's only done this for one day)
he has invented his own sign for food and yes
get into everything (literally, he even climbs the stove--while I'm cooking)
has 7 teeth
gives kisses
can say "ch" for a train, "k" for kitty, "s" for snake
clap his hands
raise his hands for "up in the oven," from pat-a-cake
feed himself (finger foods)
drink from a cup regularly
hold a spoon, and tries to feed himself but usually ends up gagging
open the top drawers in the kitchen
walk around furniture while holding on
speed crawl everywhere
climb onto the couches and ottoman by himself
make tons of silly faces
climb his chair to look out the window
he loves to be chased around the house
play peek-a-boo
he loves to read books, alone and with others
behave in the car while driving from CA to UT (even while having the flu and throwing up on me at Carl's Jr.) and while driving from UT to TX and back...

He is truly the most enjoyable baby there is. He is a good sport about everything and is generally happy and content as long as he is fed and gets his regular sleep. He continually makes us laugh and enjoys laughing with us. This past year has been a whirlwind, but we are loving every moment of it. If only I could make the time go by more slowly so he could always be my baby.


Young Family said...

What a cutie!

Mandy said...

You've got a keeper if he did UT to TX and back! :) What a cutie pie.

Julie Baldwin said...

7 teeth! Wow! I bet that makes eating fun for him. Anna has 1 tooth. She'll get more someday I guess.

He is really cute!

Shandi Brown said...

Sarah, I lost my phone and all my contacts at the gateway mall! I need your #, Jacks doesn't have your hubbys ,so no way to get in touch! I had already lost my contacts but didn't add you when you called, so please call soon! Your baby is getting big and he is too cute, swim lessons look so fun! I am for sure doing that next year!

Julie said...

Does that kid ever close his mouth? :) He is so stinking cute and so full of personality!

Paul/Heather said...

I love when you update...he is such a good looking boy!

Erica said...

he sure is quite the handsome little man!