Saturday, December 27, 2008

He did it!!!

In the last 2 weeks, my little guy has conquered two milestones. He giggled for the first time last week (he squeaks at things and squeals at things, but this was a real giggle). Then today I put him down on his back and went to the bathroom, and when I came back he was on his stomach!! (And this was a real roll, not a fake one like Creighton tried to pull on me yesterday, when he switched the baby over on his opposite side while I was out of the room). I was totally shocked, excited, and sad at the same time. Sad because I had missed it, excited that he had learned something new, and shocked that it had come so quickly. I immediately called Creighton and told him about it, then my mom, then got out the video camera to try and capture another one. It took some patience, but I finally got it on tape. Then later this evening he rolled from his stomach to his back once, and back to stomach a few more times. I couldn't believe it. Although it's a couple of days late, I say it's the best Christmas present I got. It is absolutely amazing to watch him grown and develop, literally, on a daily basis. And it all happened the day after he turned 4 months--way to stay on schedule babe!


Julie said...

How fun! I can't wait to see him do it in person :).

Julie said...

Next thing you know, he will be crawling.....

Paul/Heather said...

just wanted to say hi.
how are you?

Amber Thompson said...

Ohhh that's so sweet! He is such a cutie!

By the way, I went private on my personal blog so email me your e-mail and I can add you to my reader's list.

Megan and Charlie Miller said...

WHAT??? He did!! Yea Dawson! How exciting. I miss you so much. I want to come back to Utah and just hang out with you until you get sick of me.
Abby had her first real laugh yesterday! I about died. It was so cute. Love you girl! You rock!

The Mom said...

WTG on the milestones! He is just sooo dang cute - Kelsie loved seeing you before Christmas ;) She said everyone mauled your cute baby ;) Sounds like he was a big hit!!!