A quick update on the baby...
Things are still going well. He's really been a great baby. The amazing thing is how much more awake he is now. He will just stare at things forever. I miss the sweet "sleep all the time" stage, but I do love getting to see his eyes more, and watch him notice things as he can see better. The way he looks seems to change all the time too. It's so true that time just goes by. He will be a month old at the end of the week and I can hardly believe that. It seems that it took forever for him to get here. Each month, especially at the beginning, just dragged on. But now that he is here every second and every day just flies by. I guess that is how it always is though. I'm still trying to figure out a routine for him. He eats every 3-4 hours, which is great, but just not super consistent. Hopefully one of these days I will figure out what I am doing :) But for now, I am just enjoying every minute of him, and trying not to be too sad about how fast he is growing and changing. Creighton says that he is suppose to be growing and changing, so I shouldn't be sad about it. He's just ready for him to be smiling and talking already, and I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, and want him to be a cuddly newborn forever. No, it really is exciting to think about what the future holds for him, but it doesn't mean I won't miss this newborn stage!! So here is a picture of him in his crib. Sorry it is crooked. I realized it after it was put on, and I don't want to go back and redo all of the pictures. Getting a post up takes enough time :) Anyway, he doesn't sleep in his crib right now, but it is so darn cute, I had to get a picture of him in it.
Just a picture of me with him. I decided that since I had actually fully done my hair, and put on make-up, I should probably take a picture with him.
Eyes wide open.
Getting his nap in after he ate. This is my favorite way to cuddle with him, but he has to be sleepy to let me do it!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Posted by Sarah M at 8:18 AM 12 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
All Good Things Must Come to an End...
So Thursday started out as a nice day. I got my hair cut in the afternoon and Creighton got to try his hand at baby-sitting (which got him to change another diaper...woo hoo!!). My hair turned out good, and the baby was pretty good for Creighton. Things were going well. Later that day we were going to go to Smoothie King-a new smoothie place to Utah, but a old time favorite of Creighton's from Texas-and then go and walk around BYU. We hadn't been there in a while, and we thought that it would be a nice way to get out and see how the campus has changed too. By the time we got to BYU it was a little later than we had planned, but we thought we'd get out for as long as we could. We were parking in the Museum of Art parking lot, and there weren't many spots available. We finally found one and as we were going to pull in, a car on the other side of the aisle started to back out. I told Creighton and so he started honking--at least 10 times. Well the car never stopped, luckily though she was backing out slowly. Our car was positioned so that if we went forward or backward we would have hit her, so Creighton pulled into the spot, and she kept backing out, hitting us, and scratching the back drivier side of our car!!!!! Now this is the second time we have been hit in a parking lot within the last year...and last time we didn't call the police, and the guy who hit us denied that it was his fault to his insurance and so we had to pay for everything to get our car fixed. I couldn't believe that this was happening to us again! So when this happened I was SOOO upset, I immediately started crying (hormones don't help any either) and got out of the car to check on the damage, and to get the people who were right by us when it happened to be wittnesses for us. The girl also got out of her car where she proceeded to aske me if she hit us??? Are you kidding me? I told her that YES she had hit us, and why didn't she stop when she heard us honking multiple times at her. She was surprised to hear that we had honked!! Seriously, how can some people be so blind/deaf/irresponsible?? Anyway, I called the campus police (learned my lesson from last time) and they came and took a report and got all of the information. The police officer agreed that it was in no way our fault and almost gave her a ticket, but since the damage was too bad, decided not too. Turns out, she didn't have her registration either-so he definitely should have given her a ticket for that. The police officer asked her what she was doing when she backed out and she said that she looked left and right. Um, if you are backing out, shouldn't you look behind you? I guess some people see their rearview mirrors as optional??? Whatever! So, hopefully everything will work out, we will get the car fixed, and not have to pay anything this time. The other bummer about all of this, is that Creighton's car has been in the shop for 5, yes 5 weeks, and so it was my new car that got hit, and as soon as we get his car back then we will have to take my car in. Which means I will be carless still. Luckily I was 9 months pregnant, and at home with a new baby the whole time his car has been in the shop and so I haven't necessarily needed a car. But I am going to want to get out more and more as time progresses. So I hope this process doesn't take too long! Oh, and the funny thing about this all is that a girl who was driving in the parking lot, in a perpendicular aisle to us, drove by the scene and said, "I heard you honking, how could she have not heard you?" What a way to end Creighton's last day off for the week huh?!
Posted by Sarah M at 7:51 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Two Weeks Old...
So here are just a few pictures of the little guy, that I've taken over the last week. It's so hard to believe that it was 2 weeks to the day that he was born. What's even crazier is that it was just about this time that I started pushing!! He is still such an angel and we are loving him lots. Life definitely isn't easy, but oh so worth it :)
This first picture is to show his growth over the year!
This is a picture of him sleeping on me, after he burped :) I think he looks like an angel laying on his arms like that.
Just a random cute picture.
Posted by Sarah M at 5:22 PM 9 comments
My Mom...
Friday after the baby was born, my mom and dad came to stay with us and help out with the baby. My dad, unfortunately could only stay until Monday, and then had to go back to work. But my mom got to stay until last Sunday morning. I knew ahead of time that it was going to be nice to have my mom around, to help out and spend time with, but I didn't realize just how wonderful it was going to be to have her here. My mom is my best friend, and we talk all the time on the phone-even if it's just telling each other about our days. And so it was great to have her here to be a lending hand and listening ear.
The Saturday after we got home Creighton and I had a little scare with the baby because he wasn't eating, and seemed to be having breathing problems still. Well my mom and dad took turns watching him sleep through the night so Creighton and I could finally get some sleep ( I think that put my total up to 14 hours for the whole week! I know, that's to be expected. But I was a wreck and so worried.) Having her and my dad there was such a comfort to both me and Creighton.
Every morning after I would feed the baby my mom would take him and let me catch an hour or two more of sleep, which was just wonderful. Plus she got to spend some extra time with the baby and cuddle with him. I absolutely love to see how much she loves him, it makes me feel so good inside. I know how hard it was for her to leave him, and me. And it was equally hard for me to have her leave. It's good for me to start adjusting to life as a stay at home mom, without the extra help. But it was definitely nice to have a friend and an extra hand. I miss my mom so much already.
I just want my mom to know how much I love and appreciate her. She tries so hard to do so much and be a good mom. And I want to thank her for just being her. I love her with all of my heart, and I couldn't ask for a better mother and better friend. Love ya mom!!
Posted by Sarah M at 4:50 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 05, 2008
A random realization before I go to bed...
So this will be quick, but I realized something as I was putting baby McEwen down for bed. I have been writing his birth weight as 7.5 lbs. which is incorrect. It is suppose to be 7 lbs. 5 oz. I guess the whole pregnancy, lack of sleep, lack of concentration, memory blank thing has caught up with me. You would think that I would be better at decimals since we learn about the basic ones in 3rd grade. I blame it on the lack of sleep :) Ok, well that's all for my quick randomness. Oh, and I am still loving being a mom. It's wonderful...but where does the day go? He's already growing and changing too quickly. He is the love of my life for sure!
Posted by Sarah M at 11:05 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Yeah!! He is here!! Baby McEwen (we are going to come up with a nickname for the blog for him, so sorry, his real name won't be posted on here-but I will email everyone that I have email addresses for and tell you his name. So for now he is baby McEwen) Baby McEwen was born on Tues. Aug. 26th at 9:04 pm. He weighed 7.5 pounds and was 19.5 inches long. He is just cutest thing ever and we love him to death!!!!!!
Here's a synopsis of the delivery. My water broke on Tues. morning at 1 am, without any real signs of labor leading up to it (I did have some funny feeling that something was going to happen soon though...it was weird). I had to go to the hospital though, because you must deliver within 24 hrs. of your water breaking. We got to the hospital at about 2 am and I was at 2 cm, but not really contracting so we started walking the halls over and over again. At 6 am I was still at a 2 and the Dr. said I was probably going to have to go on pitocin to help labor start if I wasn't progressing soon. So we walked some more and at around 9:30 I was at a 3, so he said I could keep walking and see how it was. By 12 I was almost at a 4 and was told that if by 2 I wasn't closer to a 5 they were going to start pitocin. I guess it wasn't my day and my "birthing plan" was way out the window, so I got started on pitocin and my contractions really started intensifying and coming on quicker. By 4 pm I was in the worst pain ever and when they checked me I was only at a 5...I just about died!! I was finally thinking an epidural might be in the near future for me because I hadn't slept or eaten in over 24 hours and I still had so much farther to go and push and it all had to happen within my 24 hour time frame or else it was going to be a c-section--AHHH! I didn't know how much strength I was going to have. I got through a few more contractions and Creighton and I talked about it, and decided that an epidural was the right path for me at that point. I got the epidural and my left side started to feel better...but not the right side. I was in excrutiating pain on my right side and it never actually went numb. They told me to wait it out, give myself another boost of the medicine, the Dr. gave me more medicine, but nothing was working. Finally at about 7:30 a different anesthesiologist came in and said I should have my epidural redone--I was not excited about that, because I was so weak and sick and was going to have to sit still to have them redo it through the contractions, but I made it and then life was great. I of course was at 9 1/2 cm by now, but I got to relax for the first time that day. They let me rest for about an hour or so and then the nurse came and checked me and said I was ready to do a few practice pushes. I was ready to go so she went and go the Dr. I started pushing at about 5 to 9 pm. After 3 pushes his head was crowning, but his heart rate dropped drastically so they got some forceps and on the next push his head was out, and then one more and he was here at 9:04 pm (only 11 days early). Nurses from respiratory were there, and so he was taken straight to them and his lungs got cleaned out, but he wasn't breathing well so I got to kiss him for a second and he was taken downstairs. Creighton went with him and they did some more suction from his lungs and put him on a c-pap. After we were in our new room on the mother/baby floor he was finally brought to us at about 11:30--9 months to get here, and then we still had to wait for our little guy, it was so hard. And that's the gist of it.
He is such a good baby, so calm and peaceful. I couldn't ask for anything more. I never knew how much I was going to love him, and worried about it sometimes, but it is so true what everyone says about how you just fall in love with them and as a mom there isn't anything you wouldn't do for them. He is everything to me and he makes me so happy. I am just so glad that I have the ability to stay home with him, because I hate how quickly time is going by already and I couldn't imagine missing a second of it. We take pictures of him everyday :) My mom and dad came up on Friday to help and I am so grateful for them. I am a worrier and my mom has been such a comfort to me and a big help. My dad went home on Monday, but my mom is here till Sunday morning and she is having the time of her life too, since he is the first grandchild. Motherhood is great, life is great, and I am as happy as can be.
Sorry it took me so long to get this up, but I hope you enjoy the pictures and the update.
Posted by Sarah M at 8:30 AM 10 comments